The Eternal Flame
AKMA worries about what will happen to web sites when their owners die. (We will skip the part where he uses my own demise as his example.) I’ve been thinking about that for a while also. So, being of sound mind and body (well, the old 80:20 rules applies, of course), I hereby name AKMA the executor of my site. When I die, my heirs will pay all reasonable expenses (up to $30/year) to keep my site publicly available as well as a small stipend to AKMA to prune the hedges and scrub the grafitti off every now and then.
Thanks, AKMA. And feel free to pick a couple of pairs of socks for yourself. They’re in the second drawer of the dresser in our bedroom.
Categories: Uncategorized dw
I swear I remember, back in the day, that there was a startup or a foundation or something that was dedicated to preserving web sites created by people who had since died. I think the idea was that you would pay them some small amount of money, which they would bank, and thanks to the principle of compound interest, they would maintain your site in perpetuity when you bought the big one. Of course, this was when people had more money than they knew what to do with, back around 1998 or thereabouts. I can’t find any reference to it on the web now.
Thanks, David
Well, since I started ruminating about what’ll happen to bloggers’ online assets after their physical demise, David has decided to bequeath his webby remains to me. Does that make me his eXecutor? All can say is, I’m deeply, deeply ho…
Eternal Flame
Stiff Competition
Now I stand to administer not only David Weinberger’s immortal bytes, but now also Joi Ito’s. Now, I’m honored and all, and I promise to do my best by both these distinguished citizens of Blogaria and by the interests of posterity. Bu…
Okay, so now I’m the eXecutor of Trevor’s online assets, too. Pretty soon, I’ll be stuck with the decaying remains of my entire circle of friends (it sounds as though Gary’s thinking that way). But Trevor — playing off the…
Continue Publishing Indefinitely?
Does that mean when one of the A-List shakes “this mortal coil” that another blogger will have to channel her or his posts from the Great Beyond Blogosphere?
Continue Publishing Indefinitely?
Does that mean when one of the A-List shakes “this mortal coil” that another blogger will have to channel her or his posts from the Great Beyond Blogosphere?