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Howard Dean’s Internet Initiative

The Dean campaign has just announced:

1. Open source group-support software developed by an independent bunch of folks.

2. A Net Advisory Net to help come up with policy options for the Dean campaign and administration.

3. A statement of Internet principles.

I’ve set up a discussion board to talk about the principles.

I’m excited about this. It’s a fantastic slate of advisors, people who actually understand how the Net works and have worked to maintain its true value. More advisors on this and other topics will be announced later. (Yeah, I’m on the NAN but I don’t count.)

The principles are a starting point for the conversation and are intended to leave plenty of room for disagreements over implementation. They acknowledge the End-to-End nature of the Internet and are consistent with the main point of the World of Ends thang Doc and I posted a few months ago. This is the first presidential campaign that really gets the Internet and will do right by it.

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14 Responses to “Howard Dean’s Internet Initiative”

  1. Clark campaign opens weblog, will participate in BloggerCon

    The Clark campaign just opened their new weblog .

  2. More on Dr. Dean’s Systems

    Howard Dean’s Internet Initiative .

  3. Howard Dean’s Internet Initiative

    The Dean campaign just announced Howard Dean…

  4. Howard Dean’s Net Advisory Net

    Howard Dean has set up what he calls the Net Advisory Net to advise him on internet issues. A few of the people on the NAN are Joi Ito, Larry Lessig and Dave Weinberger. (Joi blogs about it here and…

  5. David, this is tremendously exciting. I am very happy with the list of initial members of NAN and the Principles bring great joy to my librarian heart. I’m volunteering for the Dean campaign and the more I hear the happier I feel about his candidacy.

    One nitpicky request: Links are some of the most noticable text on a page, but “Click here” carries no cognitive load. I strongly recommend changing “Click here to read the Principles that will guide the discussion of the Net Advisory Net.” to ” Read the Principles that will…” Likewise, it should be “Read biographies of the initial…” and “The Dean campaign stands by a set of core Internet values .”

    It may not seem like a big deal, but Click Here is not good form and undermines the general message of deep knowledge about the Web.

    (Hey, look! It is a participatory campaign!)

  6. But, Metagrrrl (good to hear from you, btw…it’s been too long), the use of “Click here” is a perfect instantiation of one of the Internet’s most important values: laziness.

    You’re right, you’re right…and it probably won’t get fixed in the foreseeable future.

  7. I’m impressed by the Dean Campaign’s savvy (and guts) in setting up the NAN. Please see this post at for why.

  8. Did you ghost/draft it? It scans like you.

  9. Neues von Howard Dean

    David Weinberger berichtet von drei neuen Dingen in der Präsidentschaftswahlkampagne von Howard Dean, dem “Web-Kandidaten”: Der Interet-Beraterstab “Net Advisory Net” ist jetzt komplett und es sind ein paar sehr gute…

  10. He’s Got My Vote

    I saw Howard Dean speak today. He gets it, and I’m not surprised why. Literally the first thing he mentioned…

  11. He’s Got My Vote

    I saw Howard Dean speak today. He gets it, and I’m not surprised why. Literally the first thing he mentioned…

  12. Great comments guys. Peter FDA

  13. , :)Great content to find another.

  14. But, Metagrrrl (good to hear from you, btw…it’s been too long), the use of “Click here” is a perfect instantiation of one of the Internet’s most important values: laziness.

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