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[POPTECH] Hydrogen

Jeffrey Ballard of General Hydrogen: Fuel cells will be big.

Service technologies, not energy sources, drive energy systems.

Hydrogen lets you use any primary energy source as your source of hydrogen: coal, nuclear, wind, hydro, etc.

Hyrdogen cars will be able to produce electricity where you need it.

When will we see hydrogen cars in a show room? Jeffrey thinks that the current technology doesn’t have the duration need for commercial success. We’re still stuck on the first type of design we came up with that work. And he says that we need to get the cost down to $0.10/kw. It’s currently at $10.00/kw. [As always, I may have gotten key units wrong. Damn facts!]

He believes that we will turn to nuclear energy as a safe and clean source.

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6 Responses to “[POPTECH] Hydrogen”

  1. I am making hydrogen from beer cans, water and sodium hydroxide. I have “free” detailed plans on my website, this project is still in the research and development stages. You can visit my website to see the videos of hydrogen in prodution. Visit the forum to add your 2 cents. This is an opensource project for those who are up for it. Visit my website at

  2. As you undoubtedly know, the process is not really green, and instead just diverts our hard won already refined aluminum stockpiles, and just converts the diverted, refined aluminum back to aluminum hydroxide ore which must then be re-refined at a huge energy loss in the re-refining process compared to the minuscule amount of hydrogen energy generated from the refined aluminum you have diverted.
    Would you care to explain to the real green alternative energy advocates to which you are attempting to market this “Hydrogen From Beer Cans” product how you justify the net energy loss from the diversion of already re-fined aluminum?
    Can you explain why you have chosen to mislead the public by claiming your product is “green” when if fact it is not?
    Aluminum oxide and aluminum hydroxide are similar to the natural ore, so the refining process must be done all over again to get it back to pure aluminum.
    Humanity is blessed with a substantial stockpile of already refined aluminum. That was accomplished at great cost and with much toil and huge energy input over the last 150 years. Much of the stockpile was produced at a time when energy was far cheaper and more abundant. A lot of the energy came from the Northwest US hydro plants whose capacity has since been reduced to save spawning salmon for example. That cheap energy source is no longer available, so much more expensive replacement energy would be requires to replace aluminum stocks lost to Hydrogen zealot aluminum poachers.
    That process is an extremely high energy demand electrolytic process at high temperatures that occurs in a molten salt that excludes oxygen. So oxygen is the enemy. The extremely high thermal temperatures required combined with the colossally inefficient electrical consumption makes aluminum one of the most difficult and energy intensive of all metals to refine.
    So “poaching” the worlds recyclable refined aluminum resource to use just use caustic chemistry to liberate a tiny fraction of the original energy needed to refine it as hydrogen gas is neither socially or environmentally responsible.
    Those who claim the hydrogen is free have not bothered to include the terms on both sides of the energy cycle equation, and therefore have not seen the big picture and actually balanced the energy equation.
    This myopia then causes them to believe that since the aluminum is trash anyway, why not get some (allegedly) “free” hydrogen.
    Even that lapse of wisdom ignores that virtually all aluminum cans are recycled nowadays …even those “thrown away in the trash” since modern trash transfer stations recover glass, cardboard, steel aluminum and other valuables from the waste stream prior to sending the truly organic muck to the land-fills.
    Diverting aluminum cans to fuel cars is impractical from an energy, environmental and conservation standpoint, and the practice should not be encourages simply because some free (possibly well intentioned) hydrogen zealot, who never did his homework, produced (what at first glance appears to be) a neat video of aluminum cans bubbling hydrogen from a caustic broth, and spread it all over the internet as the salvation of the energy crisis.

    It is not.

    Nothing could be further from the truth!

    Best Regards
    Patrick Ward

  3. how can hydrogen be produced from water in laymen terms please. many thanks c armstrong

  4. Here is how it works:

    The oil and auto industry consider the battery industry to be a failed technology that can never be made or delivered in the form factor, price point, range or efficiency that they care about. (It doesn’t matter, for this argument, what YOU think.) So they got together and used “layered anti-evangelism” to manipulate the battery industry.

    “Layered anti-evangelism” is an intelligence agency third world manipulation device that works like this:

    1. Select the target: In this case it is hydrogen fuel cells, which have been demonstrated to beat batteries on every business front.
    2. Select your internal agents. In this case lobbyists and “writers” that are paid by the oil and auto industry.
    3. Have the agents contact and talk to the “sheep”. In this case the sheep are the writers for battery industry trades and heads of battery lobby or support organizations.
    4. Have the agents convince the sheep via skewed data provision. In this case selected reports were written and then shown to the sheep to convince the sheep that hydrogen fuels cells would steal their funding, put them out of business and that the only source of hydrogen was from the “evil oil companies”.

    So you have battery evangelists who are anti-hydrogen sheep:
    Ulf Bossel of the European Fuel Cell Forum
    Alec Brooks- EV World
    Sam Thurber

    Yet for every manipulated argument they come up with, they are shot down by hundreds of sites with facts, ie:

    WHY? Because you can make hydrogen at home and the ability to do it fast, cheap and clean is coming 40 times faster than they thought.

    This happened, using the same process, to:
    1.) Electric light rail in America (US Vs. National City Lines, 334 US 573)
    2.) The EV1

  5. Hydrogen Energy

    I recommend for everyone who can’t believe that hydrogen energy makes sense and has a future the book from Jeremy Rifkin: The H2-Revolution.
    Also take a look to
    Hydrogen produced by
    and if you are not blind or have no education you understand, that hydrogen generation is the best and shortest way to use on the other side non agricultural desert areas, roofs, windows (i. e. with solar panels). You get most of the electric energy directly converted to hydrogen. You can store it and convert it back when ever you need it – burning with internal combustion engines (ICE), normal engines or with fuel cells. Always less emission producing, the best for our destroyed nature. And that until the end of the planet, that comes once a day, when the sun loss the power.
    How much emission is produced by ethanol or bio diesel before you can use it with your car? In the best case, a study makes clear, half of the produced ethanol, bio diesel
    finds the way into the tank of cars, trucks… The other half is wasted by producing it, and pollutes the air.
    How expensive must corn and all the other agricultural products get before the world knows sure that we need all possible solutions to produce renewable energy – not only ONE.
    Take a look at the price increase of corn for futures at as result of all the ethanol producing plants! Crazy. Think you pay less at the pump but have to pay much for expensive food at the supermarket. Healthy for all the fat us peoples that can’t sit inside of a car?
    the hungry peoples of the 3rd world would stay much hungrier than today, sounds good, Make sense? No further war necessary? Forget it, please.
    Hydrogen is the best solution for areas with high sun power, non agricultural areas (desert) or large buildings in hot areas with a lot of solar power potential. Please take a look to solar-thermal plants that can mass produce hydrogen you can see at
    Think or dream all the hot non agricultural country’s on that planet like Africa, India, Australia, Asia produce hydrogen that is in the future used like oil today. A lot of energy can be cheap transported with small tanks on ships.
    Remember that gas is also explosive and that the world uses it for more than 100 years. Nuclear energy is also dangerous.
    A high bureau building (as example in Dallas, you remember J.R. Ewing?) can produce with the help of solar film on the windows the hydrogen for the peoples cars that work their, they use it emission free inside of city’s and outside. The sun produce it, the solar film at the windows direct the hot sun power into electric energy and later to hydrogen. The rooms stay cool, need less energy to climate. Think about!!!!! Please excuse my English, it’s not my mother language
    best wishes


    Evaluating Hydrogen fuel is the best for the world

    Hello, I must add a point to my blog.
    USA´s need to produce bio-fuels a lot of the self produced commodities that have been exported the last years into the world and that have been used as food for the world’s poor & rich peoples.
    What happens if the bio-fuel industry buys all the future contracts at the market to have no lack of such commodities is clear: futures prices and price for food increase dramatically, exports decrease, the poor peoples can’t longer buy the expensive food and stay hungry. SOCIAL CONFLICTS & CRISIS all over the world, especially at poor country’s and region would create big trouble – terrorist, dictators and socialist, communists… will have much hungry citizens on that planet on side to reach stupid targets. A great financial damage to prevent & secure the civilization will cost much more money than the evaluation of a hydrogen infrastructure that can be possible also in desert hot areas like Africa, Australia, Iran, Iraq, India, and China. People living in that country’s have a chance for work! Workless peoples are the potential of terrorism and stupid politics. The hydrogen industry gives a chance to the whole world, not only to a part of. Sounds good – it’s a no brainer. California & Arnold Schwarzenegger is the best example how it should do and that it is possible. Clean air, loud less traffic, light vehicles, less transmission losses, less hunger, less social conflicts and a good feeling about planet earth. And most of all, the US based hydrogen industry that earns the dollars that the USA spend the last years to China, Japan and other country’s the USA imports goods for consume. USA hydrogen industry has the knowledge & many years of experience to build a stable hydrogen infrastructure on that planet. Let´s do it!
    Wishing all the best

  6. Hi,
    My name is Claudio Bianco. I am an inventor, and have just completed my last work called “Continual Wind-Up”, with which I take advantage of water oscillations to wind up a cord, and thus generate electricity.
    I believe to have opened a new research field for renewable energy, but since I am the father of this invention, my opinion does not matter.
    I chose to use internet to make the invention known and I would appreciate your opinion.I would therefore like to invite you to discover a
    new way of generating electricity without polluting on

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