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The New IE, i.e., Firefox scares Microsoft

RageBoy points to the Microsoft Internet Explorer Weblog where someone named Dave — “the guy responsible for IE” — tells us Microsoft will release IE 7.0 before Longhorn and that it will kick butt somehow. There are 544 comments.

I assume that IE 7.0 will mercilessly rip-off Firefox, which is exactly what should happen. But Firefox escapes the leapfrog paradigm because its friendly development environment — and the commitment of so many talented developers — means that features get added whenever anyone has a good idea. In fact, here’s a suggested mouse gesture for use within Firefox:

Rude mouse gesture

It’d open an instance of Microsoft Internet Explorer.

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10 Responses to “The New IE, i.e., Firefox scares Microsoft”

  1. I don’t understand why everyone thinks Firefox is the shit. I have used it, and personally I hate it. The plugins feel like they were written by amateur programmers who have only coded in vb, and the look of it is that of OLD linux, those who have used it know what i’m talking about. Also, it sucks ass that they don’t have a way of automatically opening up tabs instead of windows. Why don’t you Firefox users shove it up your ass. Firefox is for faggots!!!!!

  2. firefox loads pages quicker, is saver, and has al lot more functions then internet explorer, such as remembering passwords. the only disadvantage is that a few pages don’t work properly, but that rarely happens.

  3. As a developer, I can personally attest to IEs complete suckiness. This browser is HORRIBLE when it comes to following web standards. The places where it’s broken and requires work-arounds to work properly are too numerous to mention – to say nothing of security. Long live Safari & Firefox.

  4. As a developer, I can personally attest to IEs complete suckiness. This browser is HORRIBLE when it comes to following web standards. The places where it’s broken and requires work-arounds to work properly are too numerous to mention – to say nothing of security. Long live Safari & Firefox.

  5. “firefox loads pages quicker, is saver, and has al lot more functions then internet explorer, such as remembering passwords. the only disadvantage is that a few pages don’t work properly, but that rarely happens.”

    I’m sorry, but IE loads MUCH more quickly; I find pages that don’t work properly in Firefox EVERY single day; and IE DOES remember passwords. I don’t know if this user knows what the heck he’s talking about.

    Perhaps from a developer’s standpoint, Firefox is better. But until Firefox matures a little more, the average user will experience much better performance from IE. (As far as security goes, that will eventually be a moot point. Security holes are everywhere, even in Firefox. And those who say otherwise don’t know too much about network and OS security.)

  6. Even microsoft advised users to user other browsers as IE was too riddled with holes.I think firefox is the example of open source : many ideas is better than 1 – even in nature. Long live open source, free software, no snooping on or “data mining” users, clever terms like “trusted” & “untrusted” computing shoved down honest, unsuspecting people’s throats. It’s manufacturing dissent, by being synonymous with shylock tendencies but never giving software that works – even buggy from the ship date 0_o
    The future is open source – we waited yours for microsoft to R&D software, yet here came thousands of people, working for free come along & surpass them. Where would we be if we waited only on microsoft, back in the ActiveX hell of IE5, or worse

  7. The issue is not which one of them is quicker, but that Microsoft is a monopoly. And as a monopoly they do not have interest to improve their products and make them cheaper. The fact of existance of Firefox forces them to improve IE and prevents trials to charge money for it.

  8. I fucking hate firefox for one reason, the copy paste. It never works i always have to go back and do it again…

  9. Excuse me? Natila your computer must be fucked up and Milliondollar your exactly right

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