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Grokster roundups

Tim Anderson was at the Supreme Court hearing on the Grokster case and writes it up without too too much legalese. So does Donna Wentworth at Copyfight. Wendy “Berkperson” Seltzer has a bit at EFF, as well as a photo of her camping out on the Courthouse steps. Would we expect any less from the EFF?

Here’s the friend of the court brief prepared by three of the Berkman’s leaders:

The brief urged the Court not to modify the standard it created 20 years ago in its landmark Sony-Betamax decision, which exempted from liability the distributors of technologies – in that case the VCR – that are “capable of substantial noninfringing uses” even if they are also often used for infringing purposes.

I hang on to the legal descriptions by the skin of my teeth, so I don’t have an opinion, except that the legal folks seem to think that the uphill battle went slightly better than expect. Woo minor-key hoo! [Technorati tags: ]

Denise notes that Aldo CastaƱeda is writing his legal thesis online. It’s on open standards in identity management systems and you’re welcome to participate…

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